Busy Day with Avery
Today was a fun packed day for Miss Avery. We went to the dog park, the playground, lunch @ Cafe Mexicali, shopping @ Jax and then to The Farm (a small farm with farm animals). The dog park was fun, Avery loves watching all the dogs and she was having a good time until a young cattle dog decided to jump on me and got its nails on little Avery's leg. That hurt real bad and she let everyone know. So I decided we would walk over to the playground and let Sam stay with the dogs for a little longer. This park is AWESOME! I am super bummed we are moving now, because this is the playgound above ALL playgrounds. We found a swing and had a blast. At first she was really nervous and I am pretty sure she was holding her breath, but after a few seconds she was kicking her legs, smiling and having a good time. The Farm was also a big hit. She loved petting the ponies, donkey and the goats, but her favorite was a big goose that walked right up to her (a fence separated them) and honked right in her face. I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her little head. She had a great time, but was a tuckered out little girl!
Daddy & His Little Princess
I remember at the beginning of my pregnancy Sam was so excited and really wanted a little boy. It was May 6, 2009 when we found out it would be a little girl. He got over the fact that it was a girl pretty quick and since she was born they couldn't love each other more. She is his little princess :)
Daddy with Avery in the hospital.
Avery and Daddy taking a late morning nap.
Avery using Dad's nose as a teether.
Avery helping out with the chores.

Play time with Daddy!

Play time with Daddy!
Happy 1/2 Birthday Avery!
Avery's Accomplishments as of 3/19/2010:
- Weighs a whopping 13 lbs and 1 oz and is 26 inches long.
- Can roll both belly to back and back to belly
- She laughs, babbles and blows raspberries
- Sleeps about 11 hours overnight
- Eating solids for 2 months now and has tried pretty much all the fruits and veggies that Gerber makes
- Can sit unassisted for a few minutes at a time
- She will hold her bottle for Sam, however, she refuses to hold it for me
- Loves Peek.a.boo
- She has started pushing up with her arms into a push up position.
- She has started her swimming career :)
Weekend with the Zakleys
out and about
Avery is all signed up and ready to go for a guppy swim class that starts 4/19! We are pretty excited and will I am going to try and take her a few times before the class begins to test the waters.
Today we attended Peek-a-boo time at one of the local libraries! There were LOTS of babes and she was pretty excited to see a room full of people her own size! She particularly enjoyed the company of a 7 month old named Ryder and she was very jealous that he could crawl! We sang some songs, read a book and then the teacher busted out the toys! Avery had a great time and as long as she isn't napping we are going to make it a regular thing.
pLaY tImE!!!
Avery loves her jumperoo and is getting very skilled at bouncing around! She is still too little for it without the pillow underneath her feet, but I think in a few more weeks she will be big enough.
this, that and the other one

Introducing the other three members of our household. Frankie, aka Frank, is our obnoxious, attention starved, talkative cat. Lately she has started to become a little loopy and we think she is going nuts. Sam might put her on drugs, when he is allowed to do that sort of thing. The other two are our pain in the arse canines; Tasha (Brittany) and Wilson (German Shorthair Pointer). Tasha is a freak and is scared of her own shadow. Meanwhile, Wilson is a big sissy and has to be covered with his blanky every night for bedtime. We love them to death and wanted to share.
Asleep in the Crib at Last!
I don't want to jinx things, but I am very excited to say I think Avery is officially in the crib for bedtime and naps! She just needed her bud Elmo and favorite blanket and she was set.
I didn't realize how attached she was to him. I definitely need to get one or two more Elmo's as back ups because Tasha has already chewed on his eyeballs and I know she will snatch him up any chance she gets. Bad dog!
and we are sitting up!!!
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