We have one more week of waiting for our Alaska trip. We have been busy with getting things set to move to AK, so hopefully all goes as planned. We are totally in an awkward spot, but Sam is looking like a shoe in for the job (knock on wood) and we are just trying to get things together. Sam has been very productive! He installed the block heater in the truck today, he got a much needed haircut, he got CSU's Vet Hospital to get us the necessary paperwork to get the dogs into Canada and he has been working with the border people on getting his guns authorized to be transported through the country. I, on the other hand, have been much less productive and have been dealing with what seems like a toddler who may have started cutting canines and it is NOT fun. They are not swollen yet, but she is walking around screaming and biting her fingers in the gaps where they should come in. All the other teeth, besides her 2 year molars, have cut so I figure it is only a matter of time. Motrin seemed to help.
Today we had lunch with Sam's Uncle Craig and that was nice. Avery was in a terrible mood, but we got through it. A huge triumph today was that I was able to get Avery to take a bath without screaming bloody freaking murder the entire time. For the past 3 weeks she has HATED bath time with a passion. She screams like she is being hurt or in pain and tries to climb out of the tub. I have no clue how or when it started. She used to LOVE baths and would try to climb into the tub, so I was totally at a loss. She had done this several months ago, but it only lasted like a week. Tonight she started out screaming, but after about 2 minutes she started playing and it was wonderful! I feel so bad making her take a bath when she is in such distress. My fingers are crossed that we have made it past the hatred of bath time.
We will go to the library for story time tomorrow. The downtown library here has 2 pet bunnies in a hutch in the children's section. Avery LOVED them and was so excited the last time. That is about all I have planned for tomorrow. If it warms up we'll take the dogs and Avery to the park, but it only made it into the teens today so we will see.
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