Sunday we were invited to go hiking with Melissa and Jesse. They are two veterinarians that work with Sam @ Southeast. We did East Glacier Trail which was maybe 3 1/2 miles. The first half was pretty much up hill and then the second 1/2 was coming back down. Jesse set the pace and lets just say he doesn't dilly dally. I would have been tired if I wasn't carrying an extra 30lbs on my back. Avery enjoyed her first ride in our new backpack thoroughly! She really liked the extra room and must have liked being able to see over me.

We didn't see any bears, but we did see a baby porcupine, a bunch of salmon and lots of signs that bears were near. There are a LOT of people on this trail so we were not too worried. It was fun and the rain waited until we finished our hike to start.

So which way is north?

Salmon ready to spawn and a baby porcupine eating some leaves.