Even though the water is cold we really do love the beach. I love water, always have and always will. There is just something about seeing is that makes me feel more at home. I had forgotten how much I missed it.

We have been keeping busy with play dates, Kindermusik, swimming, ice skating, turf 4 tots, etc... Our last day of nursery school this year is next week. We are hoping to make another semester of it and we will be starting up a 16 week Kindermusik class in January (BIG Thanks to Grandpa Rick and Gigi for that!)
Sam has been keeping himself busy. He joined a gun club and is on a trap team for the winter. Smith Equine is slow, but that was expected as equine work is slow everywhere in the winter. Thanksgiving was wonderful. We had a great time with friends and met lots of new great people. Sam's work Christmas party was also a lot of fun. Avery has a growing crush on one of the other Doctors at the practice, "brown Jesse". There are 2 male Jesse's and one is bald and the other has long brown hair. She talks about him often and totally lights up when she sees him. It is pretty funny!
I believe Avery is ready to potty train, so we are going to make a go of it next weekend and the following week. Our normal activities are canceled so we are going to go on lock down and lose the diapers. She has been waking up dry and I have convinced her the past 3 mornings to sit on the potty and she has been successful in peeing in the big toilet each morning. She has started bringing us diapers and wipes to change her when she is wet or poopy. And she is obsessed with a few books that are about potty training and we have really been talking it up.
So Avery's Christmas present to Mommy and Daddy.....NO MORE DIAPERS! I hope it goes as planned ;)