We have been more than a little busy recently! This weekend we moved out of the Fritz Cove Rd house and into a furnished place up near Auke Rec. All our stuff had to go into storage. We got really lucky and a storage unit opened up just in time. I spent all week toting boxes along with Avery in my Subaru. I managed to get everything but the big furniture and stuff coming with us to the apartment moved. I am a moving rock star, but am seriously ready to be DONE MOVING! I just have about a car load of groceries and some cleaning left to do. I have a 2 month break until the next move...
I went and bought our appliances on Saturday! It is done and they will arrive June 27. Sears will hold them if our builder isn't ready for them yet. I got a deal with the Memorial Day sale and was so happy to know that Sears here honored the online prices! I saved a whopping $2,351.22 from the said prices vs this weekends sale prices.
Sam turned 30 today! We celebrated by going to lunch at our favorite place, The Island Pub and hanging out at the beach. The porpoise were showing off this morning. I tried real hard to get a decent picture, but they move so fast. There were at least 20 of them screwing around really close to shore. It was nuts! We love our new temporary rental! Just a stones throw from our favorite beach :)
Below are a few photos I took at the beach.
Avery posing with her "stick"! |
Avery spotted a sun star. |
Wilson loving life. |
Eagle spying on us. |
Man swimming with the porpoises. |
Avery ready to go... |