
Hangin w/ The Westons!

I was going to hang out in Albuquerque for a couple days because Sarah is visiting, but Sarah went and got sick (a nasty stomach flu bug) and now poor Olivia and Jan are sick too. We did hang out yesterday and I am afraid Avery and I might be doomed for the same fate. I am hoping it is the same bug we had a couple months ago and it is just circulating through Albuquerque. I really don't want to do that again any time soon! While we were there we went to the mall and Jan introduced us to this weird smoothie/tea concoction with giant tapioca balls in it. It is called Boba Tea or bubble tea. It was really good. We then went to Babies R Us and I was able to get Avery 2 more of her favorite blankies and some new shoes (she is outgrowing her size 2's). Sarah also got Avery an awesome birthday present which she cannot have until Sept. 19th, but Thank You Sarah!
Then Sarah got sick so we headed back to the Weston house. Avery and Olivia went to the park to swing and play in the grass. I got some great photos of the girls.
Other than that nothing is happening other than I am 1 year closer to 30 today and Sam worked all weekend yet again.


11 Months Old!

In just one short month our little baby is going to be 1 year old! Lately, Sam and I have found ourselves talking about how little she used to be and when she couldn't do anything for herself. Now she is self feeding, on the move and has quite the attitude!

Current Accomplishments:
  • Her first tooth broke through the gum two days ago. It is her bottom right incisor. You can see her bottom left under the gums. Teething diapers have been pretty gnarly.
  • She is able to stand up without pulling herself up.
  • We are sure she is saying "dog", but it sounds more like "dah".
  • She is a waving pro and waves hello and bye bye to just about anyone who comes or goes.
  • I would not say she is walking, but I have coaxed a baby step here and there out of her. The most I have been able to get out of her has been 3 before she launches herself at me (kind of a full body thrust....we are going to have a little dare devil)
On a total side note, we leave for AK in T-minus 5 months for an entire MONTH! Avery is going to have so much fun hanging with her Grandpa and her Kooka, not to even mention cousins Evan and Lillian and Aunt Amanda and Uncle Sonny. It will be nice to home, maybe we will even get lucky and see some Northern Lights. It has been years since I have witnessed a good show. Sam is hoping to get up there for at least a week so he can hang out with the folks at this practice he has been looking into. Keep your fingers crossed for us.


August Already!

Sorry for the lack of blogging, but there really has not been much to blog about. Sam has been keeping busy with work and Avery and I have just been chilling. She has been beyond cranky lately and I am ready for a darn tooth to pop through already. She has dropped all but her morning bottle so we have started introducing whole milk with her meals. She isn't really digging it. I have tried adding Ovaltine, but she is not fooled. She has also figured out the act of throwing and enjoys throwing food across the table. Real nice when we are out at a restaurant. Other than that not much is going on.

Below are a few cute photos of Avery from the Millhouse/Tschacher wedding!

I will try to get Avery's new silly laugh on video soon. It is really silly!