
the Smiths head to SE AK

It has been looming and now is official, we are moving to Juneau, Alaska. Sam is actually on the ferry at the moment with a Uhaul full of our household goods. He will fly back for the truck and the dogs and I will fly out the 3rd. Avery gets to spend a whole week with her Kooka and Papa. Then my mom will fly her down on the 10th, giving me a whole week to get everything unpacked and set up for the little monster! THANK YOU, MOM & DAD!!! Sam and I have become experts in last minute packing and moving, but I am over the moon that I will be able to get the house set up for Avery before she shows up.

Sam has not been happy with his work situation for quite some time now and this has all been building. He had gone to Juneau to work on some horses in the area several months back and really liked the area and people. After a bit he finally decided to contact a small animal hospital in the are and they flew him down for a meet up and there you go. Sam is also starting up his own LLC and will be servicing the horses in the area on the side. He is very excited about this opportunity (maybe I will convince him to blog in more detail in the near future). SE Alaska lacks an equine veterinarian and there are at least 130 or so in Juneau alone and pockets of horses through out the entire area. Not enough to make a living on, but enough to make it worth his time and effort. We have our fingers crossed that this is it for us at least for the next few years and maybe even for the long haul. This practice is different and Sam has a really good feeling about it and I just want to stop moving ;) I am beyond bummed that we wont be as close to my parents and my brother's family. I think Juneau has great potential. People in the area seem to really love it, but you definitely have to get past the gloominess and rain.
Juneau is one of the last places I ever thought we would live, but we are really excited.

Anyhoo, I need to get back to cleaning. We move out tomorrow and I must take advantage of Avery's nap!


we are at it again...

I am really sorry for the lack of blog updates, but the Smiths are on the move again. Sam has taken a job in Juneau, AK and we are moving in the next couple of weeks. It was a little sudden, but he was really unhappy with the practice he was working for here in Chugiak. We are excited, nervous and anxious to get there and get settled in for what we really believe to be the long haul.

Avery has been growing up WAY too fast! She is really starting to develop more language and is busy, busy and more busy. She has become VERY fond of a our 7 year old neighbor Faith! She woke up from her nap this afternoon HYSTERICAL! Like seriously hysterical. I could not get her settled down until I asked if she would like to go see Faith. She stopped sobbing, said yes and went and put on her shoes. So we walked to Faith's house and Avery was happy as can be. It was really funny.

I will try to get back into the swing of blogging in the near future, but be patient with me.