
A List of Reasons I Hate the House We are Renting....

  1. It grows mold. Now I know this is a common issue of homes in Juneau, but this house has a real talent for this process. The landlord could care less and after 20 calls around the state I gave up because no one knew who could help with "tenant rights and the mold issue".
  2. The driveway. Steep and long. It is a real bitch to shovel.
  3. The leaky roof. The landlord has "fixed" this issue several times and it just keeps leaking.
  4. The rock floor entry. I had my first slip today and was lucky I didn't break my wrist.
  5. The odd smell that has arisen. I have looked everywhere for a dead shrew or mouse with no luck. It smells like sewage and seems to be getting stronger. We will see what the landlord wants to do about this.
  6. No yard. This I could honestly deal with, but just another thing that bothers me.
  7. Lack of garage. Well, there is a garage, but it houses the landlords collection of junk. With all the snow we have gotten it would be nice to have some covered parking. I am just whining ;)
  8. The neighbors. The must be on stimulant drugs because they just don't sleep.
  9. The lack of hot water run to the washer. I miss using cloth diapers and I need to be able to wash with hot water to clean them.
  10. The odd placement of light switches.
  11. The crazy landlord.
  12. The carpet in one of the bedrooms reeks of cat urine.
  13. A large number of walls are made of unfinished wood. This makes it really hard to clean.
I could go on and on and on...but those a just a handful of reasons that I am counting down until May 31 when our lease is up.