

Things are wrapping up with the house, but I am so flipping nervous it is driving me insane.  I am stressed that the finishes we've picked will look terrible, anxious about moving again and when we will close and most of all I am really nervous closing.  The what ifs have me stressed to the max and the fear our loan for some reason wont go through is gut wrenching.  I need these next few weeks to fly by!

On a good note, things are finally moving again.  Those dang drywall guys sure do take their sweet @$$ time.  But, it was painted yesterday and when I did a drive by earlier today the cabinets had been delivered and are sitting in the garage.  Our appliances also arrived and are sitting @ Sears waiting for the builder to pick them up!

Avery is finally back into her own routine after our visit to Wasilla.  She is going through a couple of obnoxious phases that both Sam and I hope will pass quickly! Repeating, not in the "that is a new word and still learning way".  She has been speaking in full sentences since the beginning of this year.  Now she is just repeating me and I am not really sure why.  When I ask her to stop repeating me she gets upset and yells either; "Stop repeating ME!" or "I am not repeating you!".  She also has become SUPER physical. She is constantly jumping on us and rough housing.  It is fine when we are playing with her, but it is constant.  So I am trying real hard to keep her engaged, but it is a full time job to keep this girl occupied!  Needless to say, preschool this September cannot come soon enough!
KNOCK ON WOOD, but I think potty training has finally clicked!  Our fingers are crossed, but she is finally letting me know BEFORE she needs to pee that she needs to go.  "My butt" is code for I need to pee and "My tummy" is when she needs to poop.  Not sure where she got this, but she obviously is under the impression she pees from her butt, but whatever she is making it into the toilet.  I wont bother confusing her with an anatomy lesson at the moment ;) 


Just Some Pictures

Playing outside!

Making Grandpa do the hard part ;)

Evan teeing up!

Lillian "cheering" on her big bro!

Lillian looking adorable and Avery being Avery.

Avery getting into Lillian's bubble.

Clapping for the golfers.

Avery wanted to try out some golf.  She DOES NOT have the patience required for this sport!

Kooka teaching Avery naughty habits!

Running in to the sprinkler!

Belly bumping.


Avery making a BIG bubble!

Kooka & Avery @ the reindeer farm.


low tiding @ Auke Rec

This morning I wasn't up for going big, but didn't want to waste the lowest tide of the month when it was at a convenient time for us.  So we walked across the street to Auke Rec.  Great decision!  Either I am getting better at spotting critters or everything was out and about!  We saw LOTS of crabs, these eel looking things, lots of sea stars, a couple sun stars, hermit crabs, clams, sea urchins, and even a few anemones!

A REALLY big sea star.

A big shy hermit crab and a brave itty bitty hermit crab that Avery spotted!

 A clam.

Sea Urchins.

Baby Sea Star.
A smaller green anemone.

The blob. Anemone.

After we poked it.

A video of another anemone as we irritated it.

I am not sure what this is.  Maybe an eel?

 A video of a crab.

 A sun star.

We are trying to teach Avery about the difference between low and high tides.  This is mainly so when we go to the beach and it is high to mid tide she isn't upset that the sea stars are not visible.  She is having a lot of fun finding things and learning.  We are so lucky to be living in such a neat place and we are truly falling in love.  We miss CO a lot, but we couldn't have landed in a better spot.