
almost JUNE?!?

Summer has begun and we have been busy, busy and more busy. Avery has been ON FIRE as of late and I have no time to sit on the computer and blog. Not to mention the weather has been ridiculous so every chance we get we have been outside soaking up the sunshine. I can't believe Avery is 20 months already and I know she will be 2 years in a blink of an eye. She is communicating more clearly now, but still not talking a whole lot. She is getting VERY stubborn and I have fallen to bribing her at times. She has been having a blast hanging out with her Kooka and Grandpa and often asks for them. She is so silly when we take her to their house. She marches around like she has got the place figured out and knows exactly how to get everything she wants. She is truly turning into a "Little Princess". Her newest obsession is Disney's "Tangled", she LOVES it. Don' t worry, she is equally obsessed with Elmo.
Sam has been busy with work. He is on vacation for the next 2 weeks, but is in CO bringing up our things that have been in storage. He turned 29 on Saturday! We celebrated by eating out and going to the Anchorage Museum. He also got to pick out a grill a couple of weeks ago! Then we got to see a movie last night before I dropped him at the airport. We saw Bridesmaids and pretty much peed our pants. It was freaking ridiculous.
I am not going to lie. I am not going to be blogging as frequently. I just don't have the time or patience and eventually I will get back on into it.


Okay, so sorry about the lack of blogging, but I have been running around doing a million different things. First we had Sam's Mom and Rick in town and I totally neglected to take pictures. Shame on me, but we did have fun! Avery had a blast with them and she was spoiled rotten! They took her clothes shopping and bought her a new car and an Elmo doll! They also brought with them clothes and toys! But, she definitely favors her cozy coupe! It was a busy weekend and lots of fun! THANK YOU Paige and Rick for making the long trek up here to see Miss Avery!!! She is still asking for "Baba" (Grandpa Rick)!
Sam and I also decided to go ahead and paint. We had permission when we moved in and just didn't want to deal with it at the time. Well, Sam is headed to CO in a couple weeks to get our things out of storage and move them on up here. So we figured now would be a good time to whip out a stellar paint job. I have to say the color we picked out is not great. I tested it in all the rooms and knew it wouldn't be great, but whatever! It will be better than the salmon, gold, green and old white paint that is throughout the house. It is a strange color. It looks very different room to room. It is the same color from the same bucket so it must just be the lighting and other colors in each room. Now, if we can just get the landlord to do something about the 30 year old carpet!
Yesterday, I watched my niece for a couple hours. It was fun the girls had fun playing together and loved running around our big yard. They "took turns" with the cozy coupe or one would get out and the other would jump in as quick as possible. I had to show them that pushing was fun and that seemed to stop the fighting. They were really funny to watch. Lillian was copying everything Avery was doing. Silly girls!