
how is March just a few days away?

I am not really sure where the past month has gone, but it seems to be the trend. Time is just getting faster and life is speeding along. Avery is a full blown little person. Opinions, sentences, continence are just a few of her newest accomplishments.

She has had opinions for awhile, but more recently she has learned that how much power she actually possesses. Which in turn means I have to stick to what I say whether I like it or not. I used to be able to distract her and change her thought process and well now she is just as stubborn as both her mother and father :/

Her sentences have gone from basic 3 to 5 word sentences to full blown run-ons. The kid doesn't shut up actually. She has to point out all likenesses in the whole. wide. world. Everything from "the sky is blue sky high today" to "look Mommy, he has toes JUST. LIKE. ME." or "thank you so much mommy for the new pirate booty because I ate all my other pirate booty thank you so much I love it OPEN IT!"

Potty training is still in progress. I wish I could say she took three days and never had an accident, but not so much. She is doing pretty good and will occasionally tell me when she has to go BEFORE she has gone. I am mostly just reminding and making her go every couple of hours. We usually have <1 accidents a day.

Other than that we are just chillin and waiting for winter to get the heck out of here. One more month I think and things will be warming up and we can get outside more. Then we can get cracking on this house building!



Just a Quote I Came Across.

Write about your own experience. By that experience someone else may be a bit richer some day. Read widely of others’ experiences in thought and action – stretch to others even thought it hurts and strains and would be more comfortable to snuggle back into the comforting cotton-wool of blissful ignorance. Hurl yourself at goals above your head and bear the lacerations that come when you slip and make a fool of yourself. Try always as long as you have breath in your body to take the hard way, the Spartan way – and work, work, work to build yourself into a rich continually evolving entity.
- Sylvia Plath