
Getting Settled...

We have finally moved into the trailer and unpacked most of our boxes. Only a box of shoes and a box of random bathroom crap are left. I have hung our pictures and gotten us pretty organized, but we still have a daily object that comes up missing. We can't seem to locate the remote for our computer and we are in the process of locating the cord that connects the camera to the computer so I can upload pictures. One of the bathrooms is still not working (who knows when the damn plumber will finally finish the job), the AC should be finished tomorrow, I believe a guy is coming on Wednesday to work on the front and back porch, the dryer is waiting on a part so it can be converted to propane and the electric should be taken off the temporary system and put on to the permanent system this week sometime. So as you can see I have been dealing with a lot of men who speak no English hanging around the house. I really wish I knew Spanish.
Avery seems to enjoy the place. She has recently realized that she can simply follow me when I walk out of the room rather than sit there and scream :) This is a nice change. She has also started to point at things and is using her push toy more often. She has totally fallen off the growth curve after that nasty stomach bug we all had. The doctor has me making the formula slightly more caloric and adding oil and butter to her solids. Her new favorite food is tater tots! I am pretty much giving her whatever I am eating because she wont eat baby food anymore. The doctor assured me not to worry about failing to thrive because she is above and beyond on her social and motor skills for her age. I showed him a video of her climbing stairs and he was in shock (in a good way).
The dogs are driving us nuts. It is a big open space and they think that means they can run off when they feel the urge. Really annoying! Frankie is working hard. She caught a mouse this morning and I thought it was dead and made her drop it. Apparently she was playing with it and it ran off. I am sure she will get it soon.
Today, Brian (coworker of Sam's) installed a repeater to boost our cell phone coverage. This now allows us to actually talk on our phones in the house and even enough coverage to let us use the internet. It is not as fast as I am used to but is much faster than the old dial up days.

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