
Potty Training...

Avery is a little more than a month in and doing alright. She has great days and some really bad days. I am still having to ask her every couple hours as a reminder. She will occasionally tell me she has to go but it is usually when she has already started to go. Cleaning poop out of panties is not fun and neither are public accidents. Luckily, we have been prepared for everything so far. We are holding off on the night training for now and she sleeps in a pull-up. She is just in our bed too often and I don't want our nice mattress pee peed on ;). She also has this annoying habit of taking all of her toys potty with her and they all must pee first. Sometimes twice. It is really annoying and makes what should be a two minute trip to the toilet last 20 minutes.
I will deal with the occasional poopy panties and ridiculous bathroom antics to be free of the diaper bill!