
Hiking it up.

There are TONS of trails around the Juneau area. A lot of them are really out of the question with Avery in tow, but there are quite a few that are short enough for Miss Avery's attention span. We headed over to blueberry hill and conquered the 1.5 mile trail and then came back down without any major toddler meltdowns. She was a little scared at the top, but it was pretty high so I don't blame her. My hair is a disaster in the photo as it is pretty humid here, I was sweating like a pig and I am trying to grow out my bangs because they just are not gonna work in this wet environment. Mendenhall Glacier is pictured behind Sam and that is Auke Bay behind me. This trail is within a mile of our house.

The dogs got totally muddy and loved every minute of it. They very shortly regretted their mud dwelling adventures as soon as the soap and hose were busted out and they were given a good dog washing. I feel a little bad giving them a hose bath outdoors when it is only 60 degrees out, but they made the choice to lie down in a mud pit and we do not have a way to give them a bath indoors. Sorry guys, but you were due for a washing anyway!

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