
stink butt

This kid has been seriously exhausting lately. She has made the decision that she will not sleep in her own bedroom in her crib. We ended having her in our bed for about a week and were exhausted because she is not the most polite person to share a bed with. I finally gave up on attempting to get her to sleep in her own room and moved her crib into our room and converted it to a toddler bed. It is up against my side and she has been doing great. Except for the fact the she refuses to go to bed before Sam and I go to sleep. So she is up at 6 AM and goes to bed between 8:30PM and 9PM. I am lucky to get a nap. There is no way she will lay down by herself. Sometimes, I get Tasha to lie with her until she falls asleep and sometimes she will sleep in the car and sometimes she is go go going all day long! I was lucky enough today to get a nap. She fell asleep on her walk and is sitting in her stroller passed out in the living room!

She has been a busy toddler!
What's New:
  • She knows quite a few colors: orange, yellow, black, brown, white, blue, pink and purple (I think she knows red & green, but cannot really say the words yet). At JoAnns yesterday she was running around to all the fabric and yelling the colors. She was beyond pumped.
  • She is attempting to count, but it often sounds like this: "two, two, four, three, nine, ect"
  • "Dada, HOOOOOME", is a new short sentence that she will say when she sees the truck pull up the driveway.
  • She is REALLY into lining up her dolls and taking them in and out of her "doll purse" as she now refers to it.
  • She knows a few letters: A, B, D, G, K, M, T, W are the ones that have stuck. She recognizes them all over the place, gets excited and will yell "T, TASHA" or "B, BABY". She also thinks the number 8 is a B and will say "B, Baby" when she sees an 8.

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